Saturday, February 13, 2010

Running is Mental

(The first part was written yesterday and the rest today)

So I always thought runners were crazy. This morning as I hit the pavement, I realized . . . I was right. I had an all day rehearsal today and didn't want to come home to more things to do, so I decided to get up at 5:45am and get it done. I left my snuggly husband behind. My warm house. Even the sun made no notion it wanted to get up yet. And here I was, freezing my tuckus off, realizing runners really are crazy. And I'm becoming one of them!

It was my first run on pavement in quite a while, and it was wonderful. No shin pain at all. And it was a different experience than I've had. Because I was running out in the neighborhood, I wanted to be safe. I ran on the sidewalk, against traffic. And I didn't listen to my music, so I could be more aware. And that's what was so great.

I got started at 6:15 and ran to 1st and Glenn. I ran up 1st to Prince, and across to Tucson. Then returned. A total of 5.8 miles. When I left, everything was dark and cold. There were a few cars and people out, but mostly the city was still asleep. The thing I love about the early morning is that there's a different feeling in the air, and all senses seem to be more aware. I smelled the sweet bread baking at Food City. I heard the first few birds of the day. As I was heading east on Prince, there was that great glow that comes right before the sun rises. And then just as it seems like it's never going to rise, it's bright out. On my return, I there were more cars. Other runners and walkers. People were opening up their stores. It was like watching our little part of Tucson wake up. It was wonderful.

Now, don't get me wrong. The run itself was hard. I had to really push myself to not stop just out of the lack of energy. No breakfast in my system, and I wanted to be sleeping. I did 12, 13, and 14 minute miles. But I still loved it. The biggest surprise I've had through this whole process is how running is 90% mental. Not crazy, but mind over matter. I've had to really overcome my inner critic. I've had to learn to believe in myself. I'm still dealing with my tendency to sabotage myself in order to not fail. And as I've overcome these challenges, I feel empowered. Like I could do anything. Beyond the serge of endorphins that come with exercise, I feel more confident in everything I do. I'm more positive on days that I have a good run. I'm more patient. I really feel that I've grown emotionally and mentally the most from learning to love running.

And now that my legs are better, I'm starting my running schedule. This week's plan:

Mon - 4 miles with 5-7 1 min intervals during the last 2 miles (picking up the pace for 1 min)
Tues - weights
Wed - 4 miles, followed by 4 sprints (recover, pick up pace to the points where breathing hard, hold for 20 meters, walk to recover, and repeat)
Thur - weights
Fri - 3-4 miles, easy run
Sat - 6-7 miles

Now the challenge is working it into my personal schedule. I've learned that you have to have a plan before the day comes, or it just won't happen. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday will be fine. I'm going to have to run in the morning on Wednesday, do Friday's run in the evening, and I haven't decided how to do Saturday's yet with regional orchestra rehearsals going on. Either run during a break or in at night when I get back. Or maybe an early morning run again. Mental? Yes.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

And I'm Back!

Yesterday I tried running again. I soaked my legs in the hot tub for 5 minutes before hand, but no Advil. I did a nice warm up and then, BAM! Four miles, no pain. I took a pretty easy pace just in case, and made sure to do a cool down and stretch. My plan is to work my way up more gradually so that I don't have to deal with those stupid shin-splints again. They are no fun. I'm hoping to be ready to jump onto my new training schedule on Monday, Wednesday at the lastest. (See my last post.) Wish me luck! Only 2 1/2 months to go . . .

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Fresh Start

Well . . . I did the routine I talked about last time for a week. It worked pretty well except my shins still hurt. Not as bad as when I did absolutely nothing and then tried to run again, but still pain. A friend of mine said he dissected a cadaver that had shin splints and basically the muscle was torn from the bone. (yuck!) So, I was thinking that while this new routine helps in many ways I should probably keep my miles up by cross training instead. Because the image of my muscle being ripped apart like that is just too gross. :)

Last week . . . I had an awful cold. I did do the elliptical machine one day but nothing after that. It was a rough week. So I have a new plan. My shins are actually feeling quite good right now, so next week I'll get in my miles by cross training. I've been missing my spin class, so I think I'll do that at least on Monday and go from there. Then, I found a great half-marathon training plan on the Runner's World website that picks up right around where my miles already are.,7120,s6-238-244-258-6851-0,00.html (the beginner's plan) I plan on starting this a week from tomorrow, as long as my legs are feeling back to normal. I sure do miss running!

As far as the half-marathon itself - I finally found one that's on a Saturday. The last Saturday in April to be exact. It's a pretty flat course and is in Tucson. The only draw back is that I wanted to do a big race. Big as in lots of people. I want to be surrounded by other people going for the same goal. I want the pomp and circumstance. I don't know when I'll get to do another (although I do want to do another at some point) so I want it to be big and exciting. That may be silly, but it's what I had in my head. The one I found is pretty small. How small? I don't know for sure, but it's their 2nd annual half marathon and it's put on as a fundraiser by a small non-profit. It'll still be good, and I'm excited to finally run it. I'm just readjusting my expectations, which is something I'm getting good at. :)