Friday, May 28, 2010

A whole new game . . .

So, exercising while pregnant is a whole different ball game. I used to try to eat less, exercise more, push myself harder with each workout, and ultimately try to loose weight. Now, when I exercise I need to make up those calories, I have to find a balance between pushing myself a little and not pushing too hard, and each day is completely different. Some days I can barely finish an easy workout. Others, I forget I'm even pregnant. I have to say that as my nausea is getting better, and as I get further along, exercising gets a lot easier.

When I was finally recovered from the half marathon, I started exercising again. My heart rate rose ridiculously fast, I had to run at a 13-14 minute mile pace for short distances, and could barely finish a mile at a time before walking. It was like over night, everything changed. And it was really frustrating. I just ran a stinkin' half marathon! How can I barely finish a mile, and not even 3 miles total. It was a rough few weeks, and it was really hard to find the motivation to go. I had to keep thinking about how I need to keep it up now, if I want to continue later in my pregnancy. I didn't want a lapse.

Thankfully, every week has gotten easier. I can run 3 miles back at a 12 minute mile pace, and possibly faster, if I'd push myself a little. I can finish a hard spin class feeling strong. I find I have to take it easier on certain moves, or just sit and ride for a moment, but I am able to be proud of the work I do in those workouts. And honestly, I think it really has helped my overall feeling. My nausea, while right before and after workouts may not be great, has eased up quite quickly compared to my last pregnancy. I have a lot more energy than my last first trimester, and I feel really good. With Simeon, I think I gained quite a few pounds those first few months. I've actually lost a few pounds. I know, I know. I'm trying to eat more now to make sure I don't loose weight. But it's nice to have not gained.

My thoughts on pregnant exercising so far? Exercising before and during pregnancy has been wonderful, not only in how I feel, but it's really nice to exercise for the joy and health of it, rather than have the stress of big weight, time, and race goals. Two thumbs up!

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