Thursday, January 20, 2011

And I'm Back!

Wow! A lot has happened in the 6 months since my last post. I was able to stay pretty active throughout my pregnancy, doing spin 2-3 times a week and running 3 miles once a week. When I was about 6 months pregnant, I went for a 3 mile run and hurt for a few days after. I realized that my running adventures would have to stop until my little one came. I did continue doing spin up until the end. The thing that is great about doing spin while pregnant is that it is easy to modify as needed, doing only an intensity I could handle that day. Also, it really works the abs in a pregnant friendly way. I think this fact really helped my labor go fast.

So the big day came as a huge surprise! I was 35 weeks pregnant and not sleeping very well at night anymore. I remember kind of waking up around 4am with the feeling that my baby was turning around a lot and that it hurt . . . kind of like contractions . . . But I never woke up enough to consciously think about what was going on. When I finally woke up at 7:30, I went and made eggs and toast for me and my little man and starting checking my facebook and reading my blogs. I was still having contractions, and though they felt like real contractions, I wrote them off as "practice contractions." I was laughing at the Pioneer Woman when I suddenly realized that they were getting stronger . . . considerably . . . with each one. I called my midwife at 8am and was having a harder time talking during each cramping pain. But it's false, right? I have big, late babies and I'm 5 weeks early.

To make a long story short (and leaving out the part about having very strong contractions while driving and trying to sing songs with Sims . . . and avoiding speeding while a police officer was right behind me . . .) I was checked by a triage nurse at 9am and was 5 cm dilated and fully effaced. I was in transition 30 min later, pushed for maybe 7 contractions, and my beautiful Lillian was born! Oh, and I should mention that Cruz was working in Tubac that day and walked in literally before my last push, just in time to see his little girl come into this world.

Now, I believe the fast labor was mostly a huge blessing from the Lord, since Lily had the cord around her neck and it kept us from a c-section. But I really think the exercise, especially the spin ab work, played a huge part. It went so fast! And I had a successful VBAC, so now there's no worries about having another VBAC next time.

So, what does that all have to do with running? Not a whole lot, but it's awesome and exciting! But back to running - As I look at starting up again, I need to make some goals. My big goals are to run the Women's Half Marathon in Nashville, hopefully with my niece, sisters, and mom (some of them walking it). Is it sad that part of the appeal of this particular race is the finisher's medal? It has a removable necklace charm. And I like that it's pretty much all women - it just gives it a different feel. Then, the plan is to continue with my training in and run my first full marathon in the spring of 2012. I'd love to do the Country Music Marathon in Nashville.

I ended up loving my Saucony Progrid Jazz 12 shoes (see my about shoes for the whole saga), so while I'd love to try some more minimal shoes this time around, I'm going to just stick with what I know for now and order another pair. And yes - shoes (minimal and not) make a huge difference, especially in avoiding injury.

I plan on jump starting my "going back to exercise" week with spin - it's hard and I love it! - then getting started with my running. Now just to come up with a plan . . .

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