Wednesday, March 31, 2010

This week so far . . .

It's coming back, and easier than I thought! I think I can actually do this thing!

Monday I did a spin class, with my favorite instructor. Great music, and a really hard workout that actually fits the beat and style of each song. It was tough, but I worked hard. I actually worked extra hard because I got there late and the only two bikes left were in the front of the class. nothing makes you work harder than knowing that everyone is looking at your butt. And by late, I mean I was 20 minutes early for the class. That's how awesome she is. There was only one other spot open when I signed up. Her classes are the only ones that go THAT quickly. (And some don't even fill up half way.) I also happened to sit two bikes over from a former student of mine, so it was a lot of fun catching up with her. Needless to say, it was a fun time and it totally kicked my butt, but in a good way.

Tuesday I was planning on doing some weights, but my sickness (some sort of throat killing flu/cold/thing) was giving me grief, and my back has been all tweaked weird and has giving me a lot of pain. The back pain cut out about half of the weight lifting exercises, and I didn't have much energy, so I decided I just needed to do something. I actually wasn't even going to go to the gym, but Simeon was kind of driving me crazy and I needed a break from him. My "something" turned into 2 miles of running and another half a mile or so of walking. I felt a lot better afterward since I accomplished something and running always helps me deal with the Mother of a 2 year old frustrations.

Today I actually stayed home from work. I felt pretty lousy this morning, and honestly just needed a break. But as the afternoon wore on, I started feeling better. I decided to shoot for my long run today anyway. Why? I have no idea. Seriously. No idea whatsoever. I went ahead and went to the gym. I knew it'd be tough, so I brought The Lightning Thief with me to read and distract me. Honestly, running goes by really fast when I read. The first 2 1/2 miles were really tough. I had a side cramp that would not go away. I had eaten pizza for lunch which felt as though it was not digested whatsoever and just turned into a hard lump in my stomach. And I'm still sick. Why was I doing this? I have no idea. But Percy Jackson kept me distracted enough that time ticked away quickly.

I was at 3 miles and had this weird logic that in my head makes sense, but out loud sounds crazy. I thought, "I just have to run 1 more mile, and I'll be at 4 miles. Once I hit 4 miles, I can reach my goal of 6, because it's just 2 more miles." I know. This from the girl who avoided running like the plague and only 9 months ago could only run a minute or two before walking. But it made sense in my head (and actually still does), so I went for it. Not only did I do it, but I went from an 11.5 to 12 minute mile pace to a 10 minute mile pace on the last mile. Partially because training that way helps you stay strong and get through the end of a long race. But mostly, it was to get it over with that much faster.

So, I did it. Six miles. And while I felt nauseous from the pizza rock in my gut, and I was exhausted from being sick, I honestly feel like I could have really pushed myself through 3 more miles. (And my legs feel great!) That's when I realized, I can do this. Under crappy conditions I could push myself through 9 miles. I really think I can do this. My goal is to run the whole 13.1 miles. I would really like to do it under 2 hours and 30 minutes. That would be about 11 1/2 minute miles with water stops. I'm a slow runner, but I think it's doable. But honestly, my goal is to run the whole thing. That in a of itself will be amazing!

Road to victory, here I come!


  1. You're doing awesome! Keep up the good work! There's nothing that makes you feel like you can accomplish something hard as much as accomplishing something hard does :)

  2. So true! Thanks for the encouragement!
