Sunday, January 3, 2010

The beginning . . .

I've been thinking about writing all of my experiences working towards a half marathon for a while and then Jen put up such an awesome blog and, well, I want to be just like her.

So, I have to back up a bit. Okay, quite a bit.

I was born to make music, not run. That was my response throughout most of my school years to the fact that I avoided running at all costs. Even if I was going to miss a bus, I would contemplated whether or not I really needed to be on that bus or if I would rather walk to school. Weird, I know. I always loved walking. Running? No thanks.

I took PE because I had to. Summer school because it was over with faster. I understood the importance of exercise and would find a few little things that were fun but usually ignored it as much as possible. I was born to make music, not run.

In college (where I studied music) I suddenly found that my average not so thin, not so fat body was growing, and not in a good way. I had an on again off again relationship with the NAU gym for the following four years. Never consistent for more than a month or two. Although I did love riding my bike. These few bike riding years included the most exercise I had done in my life.

Then I got married to Cruz, an awesome man who valued exercise. Who even valued running. And this is where my story really begin.

He convinced me to start running with him. I would literally run about a hundred feet and then have to stop because I was so winded. I felt like ripping out my heart and lungs to give them more room. This went on for quite a while. I did work up to be able to run a little more, I never ran more than maybe half a mile. We moved to Tucson and continued our on and off running seasons and gym visits. Finally, a year after I first started running I ran my first mile. It was awesome. I realized that the trick was to control your breath, not hyperventilate.

We continued to run then quit then run then quit. One summer I finally worked up to 3 miles straight. I was motivated and excited to start running more. I had goals. A half marathon in Nashville. A hike in the Grand Canyon. A baby. What? Yep. I got pregnant. A wonderful life changing blessing that killed an desire to exercise whatsoever.

Cruz really worked hard at motivating me to exercise my huge pregnant body with long walks. It was good. I kept thinking, I'm going to start again as soon as this baby is born. I'll love running again. Okay, I'll at least like it again. I don't know if I ever actually loved it.

To Be Continued . . .


  1. yea! i'm glad you started this...

  2. Yay! Me too! Your writing style has great voice :)I've always felt the same way about running, but I've started to notice that all the fit ladies my age are runners so I better get with the program this year ;)

  3. Oh, my RayRay! I love you so. You made my lungs hurt with your colorful narrative! Don't ever do that again. Even reading about exercise is too much exercise for me!
