Thursday, January 7, 2010


The biggest loser was and is so motivating to watch. It helped me get re-motivated. Mostly when they trained and completed a marathon (a full one) in 60 days. I thought, if they can do that, I can train for a half. I can have that kind of determination.

There are two main things I love about that show. First is that they show that weight loss and exercise are an emotional process. Facing the demons in their lives are vital to overcoming their weight problems. I have seen this in my own exercise and lack thereof. I had to get over a huge hurdle of negative self talk while I ran. When I did and started believing in myself, I could suddenly run four miles. Five miles. Six. Seven. And once I get warmed up, I actually enjoy it. My head clears and everything makes sense again. I become more motivated. It is actually calming. And just when I feel like I may not finish, I see my boys at the end cheering for me. Next hurdle . . . emotional eating . . . I'll save that one for a little later . . .

The second thing I love about the Biggest Loser is the part where the contestants go home for a few months and have to keep it up with all of their daily responsibilities, their jobs, their families, and being surrounded by people who may not be on the same boat as them. It's real life. They have to deal with the stress. And they have to work out relationships around them as people react to their weight loss, and not always positively. When one person changes, the people around them have to stop and reevaluate where they stand. I think about a few healthy changes or goals I've made. There's always a handful of people that say they're proud of me, or good job. Then most say, "Oh. I could never do that because . . ." thus excusing themselves from making the change themselves because for them it's not an option. And then there's another handful who flat out say "You can't do that. That's not healthy. You'll never do it." Maybe because they can't or they just don't want to deal with change. I still deal with certain people who are very in denial about the fact that I am a vegetarian. These people are usually the ones who also doubt my abilities to do anything physical as well. Interesting . . .

As for right now? I ran seven miles. I fell great about that. Now I am trying to get motivated to start running again as my shins are starting to feel better. Although, I am at a point where the plateau ends and I have to put forth extra effort to keep climbing. *sigh* Here I go . . .