Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Personal best . . .

Every time I went outside today I wanted to just leave work and go for a run. When I got home, Cruz was getting ready to go to the gym. I decided to capitalize on this and had him take Simeon there to play. I wanted to go run. In the park. But I was a little hesitant as well, since my plan was to have an easy day today and now I was thinking about doing my long run. Cruz encouraged me with these words, "If you're feeling even a little up to it today, you should go because you never know how you'll feel tomorrow. And then it'll be done and you don't have to worry about it." Convinced he was right, I charged up my iPod as much as possible, stopped by the Running Store for some Gu Chews, and headed to Reid Park. (Thanks, Linda for the free sample you got me - these are awesome, and I'm hooked! Much better than the slimy gel stuff. And they really do work.)

The weather was perfect! And there were a ton of people out which actually wasn't as annoying as you'd think. It's quite encouraging to be out with so many other people who are exercising. And so I ran . . . three laps. That's right! I ran NINE MILES today! That's the most I've ever run in my entire life. The first few miles were a little unnerving since my shins ached a bit, as did my joints. But it went away as I finished my first 3 mile lap. Then into my fourth mile, my iPod died. It was dead when I got home today and I only had a few minutes to charge it. So, I didn't have any groovin' tunes to keep me going, and I also couldn't keep track of my mile times. But I kept going. I noticed I was behind a woman who was running just slightly faster than me, so I focused on keeping up with her for most of the second lap. I will add here that she had to have been at least 60. Yes, I was trying to keep up with a 60 year old. But it was motivating because I kept thinking, "If I keep this up now, someday that can be me." After all, that's the main motivation here - to be healthy for life, not just the next few weeks.

I quickly swapped my iPod for my phone at my car as I started my third and last lap. I was very tempted to just get IN my car and drive home, but I only have 18 days until my half marathon, and I had decided that no matter what, I was running 9 miles today. So, I kept going. My 7th and 8th miles were slow. 12:45 and 13 minute miles. The next to the last mile is always the hardest. The last one has more oomph because it's almost over. My 9th mile was 10:45, one of my quickest miles all night. (I'm a slow runner.) I got a nice boost at the end and finished strong.

Running at Reid Park in the evening definitely has it's perks. First of all, there are a lot of people around, so I never feel unsafe. And it adds to the positive feeling in the air. Everyone's doing their best and exercising, enjoying the gorgeous weather. Second, the sun doesn't wait for you to finish your run. The impending darkness was very motivating to now only keep going but to keep up my pace. And yes, there were still a lot of people out, so I still felt safe. By the end of my run there were at least 4-5 people within 50 feet of me at any given time.

The funny thing about running for almost two hours is it gives you a lot of time to think. Especially when your iPod is dead. I was thinking about how only months ago I could only run for 1 minute and then I'd walk for 2 minutes and then I'd have to convince myself to run for 1 more minute, etc. And honestly, I could have run 9 miles a while ago if it weren't for two major shin splint ordeals and busting my knee open. I was also thinking about how amazing this whole process has been, even with the injuries. I have to say it's been the second most empowering experience, the first being 20 hours of natural labor with Simeon. I have had to overcome many personal demons, including my lack of self confidence and constant negative self talk. (I've actually noticed that I rarely do it outside of running now, too.) I have grown in so many ways that are completely not related to anything physical. And it has caused me to redefine relationships around me, as any major change in life style usually does. And there is nothing quite as amazing as running farther than you've ever run before. Realizing that "THIS is the farthest I've ever run . . . No. THIS is. And THIS!" It keeps me going through those last miles. And it's really cool to feel so insanely proud of myself, and not be able to write it off as someone else's doing.

I have 18 days to go, and I can't wait to cross that finish line, strong and proud!


  1. You are sooooooo AWESOME!!!!! I am very, very proud of you!! Just wait until you cross the finish line...there's nothing like it! Don't forget to back off a bit the week before the half so your body isn't too tired already on race day. You are going to rock this!

  2. That's awesome, Rachel! You are inspiring :)

  3. Thanks, guys! I am so excited to run this thing! Thanks for the encouragement!
